Sarah joined Weatherbys Bank in 1998 and was initially involved in operational management before taking on the role of the Head of Customer Service, a post she held for 12 years. With a passion for excellence, she was responsible for ensuring that our people, services, suppliers and systems combined delivered the highest standards of service to our clients, a role that was both interesting and rewarding. She was also responsible for managing client complaints.
In April 2022, Sarah took on the role of heading up our Operational Quality team, as Associate Director. The team is responsible for managing operational resilience, a discipline close to her heart given her previous experience in delivering quality of service to our clients, as well as third party supplier and risk management.
Prior to joining Weatherbys, Sarah amassed significant client facing experience in roles with TSB, and subsequently Lloyds TSB.
Outside of Weatherbys, Sarah loves to bake and also cooks a mean curry. Sarah loves the outdoors and spends time at the weekend walking, as well as regularly working as a volunteer librarian in her local community library, going some way to fulfilling a youthful ambition to be a qualified librarian.